In this month we had an amazing meetings with Victor Navone and Sandro Cleuzo! They are really great artists! You should saw their works...really breathtaking. I linked their blogs. Take a look!
We also saw Sandro Cleuzo's exhibition in Florence, Thank you Sandro!!
Here we go! I finally decided to use blogspot and share my works, inspirations and news about art and animation. I'm studying Animation Film at Nemo - Academy of Digital Arts . Why my blog is called Wanderer Bomba?
Bomba - don't worry it's only my real last name. Wanderer- because of my travels I've done - to reach my goals and dreams. I'm still working to reach them. That's why I often move, looking for opportunities to learn more. Like a wanderer. I hope, this blog will be another great adventure in my life !
I would really appreciate your crit, feel free to write your thoughts
Hope you enjoy!
Wanderer Bomba.
btw Can't wait to see it!
The Lion King 3D - Bloopers OuttakesThe movie of my childhood...and my first love.